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Beginner's Journey to Womb Wisdom

  • 22 Steps
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Beginner's Journey to Womb Wisdom - 3 initiation portals - rites of passage - access to free recorded classes - 3 powerful connection meditations with the Divine Feminine - Journal Prompts for each portal - discover the magic of the feminine essence Embark on a three day online journey of women's rites of passage. These are moments of TRANSFORMATION in our lives. Each WOMAN and each story is unique! You are invited to reclaim these portals and experience the POWER of this initiatory journey. *Menarche is the beginning of our fertile life and also marks the onset of a woman's menstrual cycle. The impact of this portal can set the tone for how we deal with the pace of everyday life. Do you suffer from menstruation? Some people have had positive experiences, while others have not. But, what is the importance of resignifying your first period? *Sexual initiation for women is still a taboo. In some cases, it leaves very deep marks or traumas. What memories do you have of your sexual initiation? How has your relationship with sexual pleasure been? Achieving healthy intimacy is possible when we identify blockages and release old beliefs and paradigms that keep us away from the vital energy that nourishes us. *Motherhood is a powerful transformational moment, yet it can also feel like a burden for many women, whether they are choosing to become mothers or already are mothers. What do you wish to conceive besides biological children?

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